I am Marvin Weisbrod, a German software engineer currently developing in-house applications for KAIKO

Work History

12/2019 - 11/2022

Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt
Student Assistant for Graphical Programming

  • Implementing features and user interface compoments with C++ and Qt

  • Developing shaders for CAD software with OpenGL and GLSL

  • Analysis and visualization of 3D printer data with Python

08/2018 - 10/2018

Innovision GmbH, Neu Isenburg
Intern for Desktop Application Development

  • Controlling of industrial camera systems in C++

  • GUI development with wxWidgets

02/2023 - today

KAIKO GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Junior Programmer

  • Tools programming with C++ and Qt


09/2005 - 06/2014

Gymnasium Michelstadt & BSO Michelstadt

  • Grade: 2.4

04/2015 - 09/2020

Hochschule Darmstadt
Bachelor of Science

  • Field: Computer Science

  • Thesis: Visualisierung von Fußgängerdaten in Virtual Reality
    (EN: Visualization of Pedestrian-Data in Virtual Reality)

  • Grade: 2.0

10/2020 - 01/2023

Hochschule Darmstadt
Master of Science

  • Field: Computer Science